Off-shore Power Supply

Oil & Gas

IMG 8798

WhisperPower provides a DC and AC power supply system based on renewable power sources as prime power, with stored energy to supply DC and AC devices via inverters/converters. A low-emission diesel generator back-up can be added to keep the battery charged during periods of low solar radiation.

With WhisperPower, you can now move away from traditional, energy-wasting non-stop diesel power, to low-carbon, green and cost-effective power solutions ranging from 1 kW – 30 kW/h with unlimited kWh storage.

Some of our partners

Off-grid/off-shore generator replacement

Prime power or back-up systems need no longer be dependent upon diesel engines. During Spring, Summer and Autumn, solar panels charge the Lithium or industrial GEL batteries, operating 24 or 48 VDC devices. Single or three phase AC power is then supplied by the WhisperPower Super Inverters. During the Winter, back-up power is provided by the WhisperPower Stage V generator(s).