Electricity for the Mobile Workshop

Building & Construction

Building Constructions

WhisperPower's mission to provide silent, green energy systems with the lowest carbon footprint is increasingly being recognized by the building and construction industry. Traditionally, diesel engines are used to generate electrical power, operate construction machinery and move materials over the building site. However, building contractors are facing the challenge of adapting the way they work by employing a greater number of electrically-powered tools, including diggers and other construction machinery.

The OctoPower range is helping them to make their work ‘greener’ in terms of reduced exhaust emissions and noise pollution. Batteries are recharged by the battery/solar systems, with the Genverter Stage V back-up generator starting automatically when the battery level gets too low. WhisperPower’s product range provides power ratings of up to 50 kW via inverter power, battery packs up to 200 kWh or more, and heavy-duty fast chargers optimised for the best efficiency. In addition, there is the peace of mind from using WhisperCare to remotely monitor a number of sites simultaneously.

Smart power systems help keep the peace

The Saab Combat Training Centre (CTC) monitors every step and action in military training sessions and is at the heart of the training solutions. The CTCs are available as a mobile container, which can be deployed at the point of need, or as a fixed solution placed at a stationary location. It supports up to 10,000 participants and has an area coverage of up to 40×40 km. The uniqueness of this power supply solution is the customisation WhisperPower achieved in close operation with Saab engineers.

Security secured at zero emission

They’ve become an increasingly common sight… Small cabins near construction projects, roadworks and open storage spaces, with cameras placed high and linked to the companies responsible for the security. Although these cameras and the communication to which they are connected require power, the security units are generally located in places where no grid connection is available. This makes an autonomous power supply essential for power generation as well as safety.